National Strategic Environmental Assessment Policy


Overall Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Policy Goal and Purpose is to contribute to sustainable development, poverty reduction, use and management of the environment and natural resources in the Gambia.


The SEA is to promote sustainable development in the country; to ensure that environmental, and possibly other sustainability aspects are considered in the process of developing national and regional policies, plans, or programs.

The Guiding Principles of the SEA Policy - This Policy framework will be guided by the following principles.

  1. Be simple and practical in its methods and application
  2. Be consistent, yet flexible
  3. Draw on and provide a reliable information base
  4. Focus on identifying pro-poor policies, plans and programs
  5. Take a top-down and bottom-up approach
  6. Take account of gender and youth issues
  7. Develop realistic poverty-environment growth indicators
  8. Be applied at National, Regional and Local Area and Municipal level

Policy Objective 1: To enhance the integration of SEA into the national policy planning process
Policy implementation strategy

  1. Develop national capacity and skills in the use and application of the SEA
  2. Conduct appropriate research to support decision making

Policy Objective 2: To inform and sensitize policy makers and other stakeholders on SEA and
issues of environmental sustainability
Policy implementation strategy

  1. Development of Communication Strategy for Sensitization and Awareness Creation
  2. Engage stakeholders in the productive sectors of the economy

Policy Objective 3: To establish the appropriate institutional and organizational framework for
implementing SEA
Policy implementation strategy

  1. The Vertical Co-ordination Mechanisms – Cabinet and NEMC
  2. National Level Horizontal Co-ordination Mechanism – EA Working Group at the National Level

Policy Objective 4: To establish and enforce the appropriate legal framework for implementing SEA
Policy implementation strategy

  1. Enforcement of the NEMA
  2. Promulgate national Regulation to guide SEA implementation
  3. Domesticate and/or improve enforcement of international conventions and treaties
  4. Amendment of certain existing sector legislation